News - Seal Bond

Choosing the right pedestal Adhesives for the job: Seal Bond 95 or Envirotec 105 - Seal Bond

Written by Admin | Apr 9, 2019 10:32:00 AM

In this post, we break down the key differences between our two pedestal adheisves and provide guidelines on when and how to use each. Depending on your project requirements, each adhesive offers unique advantages for installation quality and job profitability.

Key Criteria:

  • Bond Strength
  • Cure Time
  • Environmental Certifications

Bond Strength

Few would disagree that the most important aspect of an adhesive is the strength of the bond it forms between two surfaces. There are many factors that determine the final strength of the bond including the adhesive chemistry, ambient moisture content, temperature, and the bonding surfaces or substrates. (See this post on bonding to treated concrete).

The CISCA Overturning Moment Test is the North American standard for determining the amount of force required to dislodge the pedestal, measured in in-lbs.  Specific strength requirements are determined by engineers for each project depending on seismic considerations, regional building codes and application requirements.

For a sense of the different bond strengths between our products, here is a sample of different measurements for common pedestal sizes:

  Seal Bond 95 Envirotec 105
4″ Pedestal 2321 in-lbs 1206 in-lbs
5″ Pedestal 4531 in-lbs 1570 in-lbs
6″ Pedestal 7038 in-lbs 3031 in-lbs

*These measurements are average values across multiple samples for illustrative purposes only.  Please contact Seal Bond for actual test results and specific project requirements.

Key Takeaway: Seal Bond 95 can achieve much higher bonds that Envirotec 105 and types of adhesives. When bond strength is critical, use Seal Bond 95.

Cure Time

Cure time is a measure of the time required for the adhesive to reach maximum strength. The cure time can affect the project installation time, especially if an on-site CISCA overturning moment testing is required.

Seal Bond 95 cures by drawing moisture from the atmosphere to build strength. The higher the humidity, the faster the cure. Envirotec 105, on the other hand, cures as moisture evaporates from the adhesive.  The tradeoff is that the faster the cure time, the shorter the window for final pedestal placement.

  Seal Bond 95 Envirotec 105
Typical Cure Time: 10 days 45 days

*Actual cure time may vary based on environmental factors.

Key Takeaway: Seal Bond 95 can reduce OTM testing delays and allow floor traffic sooner than Envirotec 105 or comparable adhesives.

Environmental Certifications

Both Seal Bond 95 and Envirotec 105 are considered environmentally friendly products, but there are some minor differences outlined here for your reference.

  Seal Bond 95 Envirotec 105
Class 1/A Fire Rating Yes Yes
VOC Content (EPA Test Method 24) 17 g/L 6 g/L
CDPH Emission Certified Yes No
May contribute to LEED Credits Yes Yes

Key Takeaway: Both adhesives are environmentally sound but Seal Bond 95 has been third-party certified to higher standards.

How to choose

There are many considerations to make when selecting the right adhesive for the job, here a few guidelines to help you choose.

  Seal Bond 95 Envirotec 105
For projects that have: Strict environmental requirements Tight bugdet constraints
  Short testing and installation windows Time between placement and final adjustments
  Seismic strength requirements Mechanical fastener requirements