News - Seal Bond

Explore our adhesive product development lab. - Seal Bond

Written by Admin | Jan 29, 2019 8:07:00 AM

Our research & development team relies on state-of-the-art equipment to formulate new product offerings and solve unique industrial and construction challenges. Each of our R&D labs is fully staffed with trained personnel who use these tools to expedite development cycles, validate the quality of inbound raw materials and precisely control the specifications of our finished products. Our research and development capabilities are a key part of our extensive service offering. We are experts in adhesive product development.

Learn more about our technology below:

All of our equipment has been implemented to improve our ability to respond to customer’s needs, whether they are manufacturers in product assembly, adhesive or sealant distributors or a part of the construction industry.In addition to the equipment shown above, we many more specialized analysis tools that may be relevant to your industry.Please contact us for more information.